Princess of Zamunda

Zimbabwe’s Teclar has made it clear to her fellow Housemates that she needs to be referred to as‘Princess’ at all times.

Heading the imaginary Kingdom of Zamunda, Teclar has recruited an impressive number of servants in only 24 hours – all with an important role to play in her Kingdom (which is incidentally located in the Big Brother House.)
According to Teclar, her little sister Menata is second in charge, while South Africa’s Lee is the ‘Crown Prince’. Liberia’s Luke holds the important position of ‘Pastor’. Earlier today, Teclar turned her nose up at the possibility of following directive from current Downville Head of House, Keitta and instead insisted Keitta needs to submit to her.

She lodged a request for a princess gown, as well as garb for her team of bodyguards, which Big Brother politely declined, encouraging the Princess of Zamunda to use her imagination.
Could we see a power struggles between the Princess of Zamunda and the Head of House this week? Well, we’ll have to wait and see!


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