Diary Room: Is This Love or Strategy?

An interesting dynamic has erupted in Upville as Lady May revealed her strategy for Goldie and Roki during her Diary session.
Lady May told Big Brother that she was starting to observe each character in the House but wasn’t ready to give away her secret yet.
It was only after Biggie probed her that she hinted about how she had started seeing an interesting weird side of Roki.
She added that Goldie thinks she owns the kitchen; “That’s why I nailed my cooking today.”

On Roki, Lady May added that she was watching him like a hawk claiming that he was suddenly talking calmly to her, which was alarming.
Meanwhile, Roki sang Lady May’s praises during his Diary session adding that she had cooked the best food ever for him. “She was shining for me today because of that food,” he said.
When Biggie asked Roki if he was beginning to like Lady May, he simply responded; “Wouldn’t you Big Brother?”
However, Barbz confided in Biggie that Roki had been whispering distasteful words to her which could result in her snapping if he stays long enough in the House.
“I don’t know why because I told him that I have a boyfriend,” Barbz said to Biggie. Barbz giggled as she told Big Brother that though Roki was intelligent, he was quite different or rather ‘special’.
Roki told Biggie that Barbz was great but not great and “looks like a plastic doll.”


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