News: The Houses Have Been Revealed

It is here! Big Brother Africa season 7 has started, and promises to bring exciting new developments. If you watched last night’s launch, you will know why this season is different to the previous ones. This year’s show is called Big Brother StarGame due to the fact that seven of the Housemates are celebrities, and the other 28 (who are paired in couples) need to become celebrities. In order for this to be achieved, two houses will be featured-One house for the celebrities and the other for the ‘wannabes.’ The celebrities will live in the house called “Upville” and the wannabes will live in
“Downville.” The house names speak for themselves, as Upville is a little more comfy than Downville. The aim of the game is for the Housemates of Downville to do all they can in order to be accepted into Upville. Once accepted, the successful Housemate will also be considered a celebrity and join the others.
The inside of Downville is inspired by 1950s America. The kitchen and living room look like the inside of a roadhouse/diner/truck-stop. There’s black and white flooring, long couches, a jukebox, a high silver counter and other 1950s elements. This kitchen and living room make you feel like you’re in a small town in the south, with the women wearing big colourful dresses and drinking milkshakes, and the men with their hair combed back. Think of Elvis Presley and Grease. The two bedrooms include bright colours and different patterns. There is the choice of sleeping in a normal bed or a bunk bed. While the bedrooms are quite small, the kitchen and living room provide a nice, big space. The 1950s southern American feel has definitely been created in most of the house. All that’s missing is a bit of tumbleweed.
The inside of Upville is also inspired by 1950s America, except it has a very classy and elegant feel to it. Golden-framed mirrors, sleek suede couches, chandeliers and delicate details grace this sophisticated VIP house. The bedrooms are a little bigger than Downville’s, and there are a couple of double beds, which will probably start fights amongst the divas. The two houses’ gardens are also different. Upville’s garden is very neat and clean-cut, creating a serene atmosphere, while Downville’s garden is a bit more rough.
While Upville and Downville are quite opposite in terms of comfort and appearance, they are both equally beautiful in their own way.


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