News: “I Don’t Flirt”

While Prezzo and Goldie chatted and giggled on the couch, Prezzo told her that he is not the type of guy to flirt. “I don’t flirt around with girls, my chances of being with a woman are nil.”
Uhm, Prezzo, aren’t you fliting with Goldie? While we’re not too sure if he has a wife or not, he sure acts like he doesn’t. “I want to make my mom and daughter proud,” he said. There was no mention of a wife, and even Goldie referred to her as “your girl.”
We’re now a bit confused, as Prezzo has spoken about a wife a couple of times. That aside, Prezzo told Golide that he liked her from the start, and said how funny it was that things turned out between the two.
Goldie seems completely mesemrized by him, as she can’t stop smiling, blushing and giggling. “It’s too good to be true,” she said, as Prezzo told her that she’s possibly ‘the one.’ He told the singer that “even if Beyonce came here tomorrow, I wouldn’t care.”
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