Head of House Task: Mampi is Upville’s Second Head of House

Upville’s Head of House task was the same as the task that Downville did on Monday-The Coke can task. If you can’t remember, the Downville Housemates had to find a Coca Cola can hidden in the garden. The first to find it was the winner.
Upville got the exact same task this afternoon, but was done to determine the new Head of House. Mampi was the winner, as she found the can in record time.

A lot of viewers have been quite upset with Barbz at the moment, and are probably relieved to see a new Head of House. Does this mean that Barbz won’t be so “arrogant” and “full of herself” anymore? Let’s see if this happens, and let’s see what Mampi has to offer.
After Upville’s task, Big Brother called for the Downville Housemates to gather in the lounge. The television switched on and the Housemates were given a view of the inside of the Downville House. Excitement and screams of joy ensued, as the Housemates now hope to get upgraded.


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