Big Brother STARGAME: Keitta Rejects Zainab’s Kiss
Ghanaian housemate Keitta is determined to remain faithful to his partner in the Big Brother house and girlfriend Mildred (Eazzy) but the 22 year old model is not finding things easy at all.

This morning, Zaineb launched her first attack on Keitta in what looked like a well-rehearsed scene in the kitchen whiles they were preparing breakfast in the DOWNVILLE. Zainab came from nowhere and strangely; Tanzanian housemate Hilda asked Zainab to give her a kiss which Zainab gladly did and after that she looked straight at Keitta and said “Hey I have being kissing people do you want to kiss me too”?
Keitta didn’t hesitate at all and walked toward Zainab (obviously feeling honey) with other housemates looking on hoping that perhaps Keitta will break his promise to his lover Mildred, who was somewhere around the corner. Keitta gave his cheeks and asked her to plant her kiss on both cheeks but Zainab who clearly had an agenda, refused to kiss his cheeks and insisted she wants to kiss his lips.
When Zainab realized that Keitta wouldn’t kowtow to her demand, she raised her hands and showed her ring to Keitta saying “Look at this I am also a married woman” so there is no big deal if they kiss because they are both hooked already. Other housemates seated around the kitchen asked tempting Zaineb to leave the “Ghana man” alone. “True Ghana man go to the room its fine don’t mind her” a housemates said at background.
Even though there was eventually no kiss, Zainab didn’t give up. She threw her hands around Keitta’s neck and said “Please leave my Ghana man alone he is my boo”. She went on and on until Keitta finally walked away.
From the look of things, Zainab who has openly told Biggie in the diary room and the whole of Africa that she is going to separate them “because they are always together all over the place”, is burnt on coming between the Ghanaian lovebirds Keitta and Mildred.
But how long can calm and collected Keitta overcome such persistent temptation from no other than sexy and carefree model Zainab who will go to every extent to win the $300,00 because this is the first time her country Sierra Leone is participating in the Pan-African game.
Zainab is a 26 year old model from Freetown – now based in Istanbul. She is the youngest of eight sisters and four brothers.
Her role models are Naomi Campbell and her mother –“both great women”. She says that her mom has had the greatest impact on her life because she is kind, practical and “the best person I have ever known”. She describes herself as fun-loving, awesome, nice, happy and honest and says her best traits are her personality and her ability to be honest no matter what the situation might be.
She says viewers should expect “fun, fun, fun” from her. “I’m the girl next door – a fun, sweet, nice girl,” she says. She entered Big Brother StarGame because everyone she knows pushed her to – plus she thinks it will be lots of fun.
She entered with partner Dalphin because they are best friends. “I chose her because of her personality – she is a fun-loving, kind-hearted and down-to-earth individual, and most of all, she has the potential to win!” she says.
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