Getting Naughty

Some of the Downville Housemates spent the better part of their evening in the bedroom, coming up with ingenious plans to help them dodge Big Brother’s ever watchful eye, as well as the Big Brother StarGame cameras.
A particular area of concern was the bedroom, where they conceded most of the action would probably happen as the level of comfort between Housemates increases.
The gang felt they need a safe spot between their beds, where they can hide away from prying eyes. They all agreed sheets would probably do the trick and proceeded to throw around tentative names for their safe spot.

Names including ‘Shagging Spot’, ‘Dark Spot’ and ‘Black Hole’ were thrown around, with Angola’s Seydou enthusiastically and instantly warming up to the latter.
What kind of mischief are the Downville Housemates cooking up, that would warrant a private hideaway?
The bigger question though is; should they decide to set up a ‘Black Hole’, will they manage to pull it off successfully, or will Big Brother stop them dead in their tracks? We’ll just have to wait and see.


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