Will Keitta Forgive Goldie?

After Goldie had just revealed her swap deal, Keitta looked shocked to hear that it was his name on the chopping block. Having ignored the packing from the beginning, the Ghanaian started panicking while gathering hisbelongings but thank God Africa saved him.

The rest of the moments that followed, Keitta was feeling  cold not just because the weather was, but he still had that shock of tasting the eviction the second time. Prezzo and the colleagues were there to comfort him and Prezzo gave him a piece of cigarette to make him warm.
Keitta explained to his fellow Housemates that he was shocked and scared to hear that he was going to battle with Barbz because  she is some one any Housemate could fear to battle with in the evictions.

Meanwhile, though Goldie did not air out the reason for swapping Keitta  during her  revelation, she later  voiced it to Prezzo .The Nigerian said that she  couldn’t swap with Lady May because she had already tasted the same situation during DKB‘s regime and therefore the choice she had was Keitta.
You may ask yourself why she didn’t choose the rest, Junia and Keagan were still imune to nominations as they had just got in the VIP House, Barbz and Maneta were already on the  nomination list yet  Roki was a good friend to both Prezzo and Goldie therefore by no chance he could become a victim.
As she was revealing the swap to  fellow Housenates  yesterterday, Goldie shed tears while asking for forgiveness from Barbz but  she never went to Keitta to do the same thing.
We don’t  know whether Keitta took issues personal or he too understood the hardships Goldie went through while taking that decision.He might have also thought of it  that this is  a game and any one can do anything to survive.
If  Keitta  put himself in Goldie’s shoes and  got the  reason, will he have that place in his heart to forgive her?


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