Diary Room: Keitta Worried About Mildred!

Worried about his girl Upville Ghanaian Rep Keitta admitted in his Diary Session that he’s so worried about his girlfriend Mildred with whom he parted ways last Sunday after she was axed from the Big Brother House. He told Biggie that he was feeling uneasy about the whole issue.
Keitta spent part of his Diary Session chatting with Biggie about how he was missing and so worried about her.
“…basically i do not know what’s going on with Mildred, if she is okay bla bla…, i just need her to be really strong,” explained the Ghanaian.

” I could be okay if at all she is okay,” Keitta elaborated.
From his facial expressions and body language, it was quite clear that Keitta was worried about something. He could perhaps be dealing with the fact that he is now all alone by himself and trying to get to terms with the fact that his pairmate is no longer in the house.
However, as usual, Big Brother tried comforting him as he assured him that wherever Mildred may be, she was definitely doing fine, Biggie also told him to be strong and focus on the game.
Keitta asked Biggie to provide him with some information from Mildred so that he can get to know how she’s faring if at all it was possible.
Over to you, do you think this Mildred issue may in anyway jeopardize his game?


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