Breaking News: Goldie Swaps Keitta For Prezzo

Today in the evening, Biggie had to reveal to the Housemates the names of those who were put up for this week’s possible eviction.
Reading the names to them following the Alphabetic order, Barbz was the first to be mentioned , followed by Maneta and lastly Prezzo..
Reading the names to them following the Alphabetic order, Barbz was the first to be mentioned , followed by Maneta and lastly Prezzo..
However Biggie told the Housemates that the Head of House had powers to replace one nominee with the nother who will be put up for possible eviction.
When the Head of House who is none other than Goldie was called up in the Diary room to mention whose Housemate’s name she would like to to save from eviction and replace with another one,…… Guess who was lucky…. of course Prezzo.
Goldie was asked the Housemate she wanted to replace Prezzo .This was a hard decision for Goldie to take and while shedding tears, she put up Keitta‘s name who was very far away from the eviction Battle!
The condition was that, Had Goldie failed to swap one Housemate for another, she was the one to be put up for possible eviction.
Lucky Prezzo whohas been saved from the chopping block…..
Will Goldie manage to fight for Prezzo till the end?
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