News: Roki And Keitta Comfort Each Other

Keitta and Roki both have problems that cannot be solved by anyone.
After the reality of the Live Evictions had sunk in, it finally dawned on Keitta that his girlfriend Mildred is gone. The Ghanaian Housemate took some time out in the garden as he tried to deal with his emotions and adjust to his new surroundings without his lady love. He cut a lonely figure as he paced up and down, while dragging a couple of pulls of his cigarette.
With a lone cricket providing the perfect soundtrack for his heartbreak, Keitta looked to the sky and called out Mildred’s name. Meanwhile, Roki also nursed a broken heart after Eve did not step through the Upville doors.
We wonder how Keitta will manage this week and in the weeks to come without his partner in crime, Mildred.


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