News: Keitta And Barbz Again!

Upville ‘King of Prank’ has alot of fond memories to keep even after the Big Brother StarGame show thanks to his upgrade to Upville days ago.
Keitta and Barbz having been close for the past few days and the Ghanaian has been receiving royal treatment from her and ally Maneta.
The two shared an intimate moment today after Barbz had just finished her diary session. She went straight to Keitta and gave him a smooch around the neck, Keitta simply looked to the roof as if he was signalling that he was having a great time.

A few days ago, Keitta grabbed Barbz in the kitchen and gave her a massage, perhaps this was pay back time for the model.
Both have lovers back home and Keitta is always talking about how he misses his girlfriend Mildred. Barbz has on a number of occasions clarified that she has a man out side the house and that she was not attracted to Keitta in any way.
Could these Upville ‘friends’ have forgotten about their special ones back home? Well it’s the StarGame and one would not be surprised at whatever drama that unfolds.
Well, Well, one can only imagine what poor Mildred would go through if at all she was watching the show at the moment. With all this drama, the Upville building is surely going down.


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