News: Keitta Hides The Pink Heels

Lady May‘s famous pink heels are like ” a dime a dozen” because to find and hide them was a piece of cake for Keitta.
Last night the Upvillers found out Lady May’s loose ends which they wanted to tighten up. With their discussion, they made a pact to annoy Lady May and what they finally came out with was to hide one of her famous and lovely Pink shoes.
Keitta and his partners in crime   got their hands on Lady May’s ever present pink shoe and hid  it  in a vase in the lounge. The Namibian lady will surely blow a gasket when she realizes that her beloved stilettos have been segregated.

This act of rebellion against Lady May seems to have come  after an evening of whining from the Upvillers who were perturbed because they did not receive alcohol from Big Brother. Before taking out their frustrations on an unsuspecting Lady May they first plotted to revolt by refusing to carrying their microphones or not changing the batteries.
The act  seemed to be too much for meek Goldie to handle as she expressed that her armpits were sweating because she was feeling nervous about what her fellow Housemates were doing. The VIPs had to take an action onto Goldie and cautioned her at this point not to snitch.
The Housemates promised to keep the shoe hidden for almost a week and we hope that Lady May won’t find out that it is missing………but is this possible? Because this shoe  appears on the scene every day.
What will be her reaction when she finds out that her famous heel is missing?


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