What Will Happen on Sunday?

After complaining of boredom following DKB and Zainab’s disqualification, Upville has been aching for new faces who will inject new life into their monotonous existence.
This morning, Roki and Goldie conversed about how wonderful it would be if two new faces would show up on Sunday, during the Live Eviction Show. Goldie stated emphatically how she would party like crazy. It must be noted that Goldie is not Upville’s party girl. Instead, she is known to be firmly glued to the kitchen. Is Goldie finally ready to tear herself away from the pots and walk on the wild side of life?
Roki on the other hand reckoned another guy will walk through the Upville doors. “There are so many in Downville, if Keitta and Maneta are to be believed,” he said. The two however are aware that Seydou and Esperanca exited the House about two weeks ago and are uncertain whether there will be any Nominations or Evictions in Downville. “Maybe there won’t be a new person coming in this weekend,” Goldie said.
After Upville Nominations were scrapped following Zainab and DKB’s fight, we wonder what will happen on Sunday evening. Will there be any Evictions?
Don’t miss the Live Eviction Show on Sunday, starting at 20:00 CAT on DStv’s Channel 198.
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