News: Jannette Makes Another Strike!

While the rest of the Housemates were in the Jacuzzi, Jannette was having ample time with Wati. Jannette  once again was in need of some love and this time Wati became her latest victim. Brothers, Malonza and Alex have already had a taste of what a true Jannette is composed of.
A few hours after winning their Art Gallery task, the Downville Diners were treated to some alcohol and other goodies and perhaps Jannette had one too many. Jannette perched herself in Wati’s bed during the night . At first Wati  seemed to be enjoying the attention and Jannette’s constant kisses but he wasn’t prepared to spend the night with her.
It is well known that, Jannette is used to rejection and she takes it in her stride. She teased the shy Wati until he ran out of ammunition and when he insisted on throwing her out, she opted to play dead and he had to carry her off his bed and dumped her on the big red couch in the lounge.
She  however didn’t quit she found Alex, down and jumped onto him.
What could be Jannette’s problem?


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