Jannette and Talia in Battle Over Malonza

Kenyan dude in the Downville house is threatening to tear Uganda’s Jannette and Zambia’s Talia apart. Yesterday, the Downville house had their dance party with Talia dressed to kill making her the Downville Queen at the moment after top shots like Maneta, Zainab and Junia had left the Downville house.
Shortly, after the dance, Jannette who was visibly drunk and Talia settled for serious discussions about Malonza. Talia was concerned whether Jannette was having anything serious with Malonza most especially after the
steamy kiss they had a few days back.
Jannette made her point clear to her that there was nothing serious going on between the two and she said, she did not enjoy the kiss, Talia whispered just to make sure Africa does not click, but our resident experts were following every bit of the discussion.
Talia asked Jannette if they had played Biggie’s game? Jannette said NO and she swore that she can never. She however, told Talia that she will confront him over this. Moments later, Malonza joined them and the discussion became a threesome kind of talk.
Meanwhile, during the dance, Malonza was locked in a raunchy dance with Jannette when he held one of her legs by his hip and danced while gyrating their bodies, and since Jannette is a dancer, she danced erotically to the extent that Talia felt she stood no chance with Malonza.


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