Snake Bits Keitta

Keitta has come to realize that he has been walking on a road full of snakes. The Ghanaian representative was sad when he learned that he was put up for eviction. Keitta complained of being nice to people yet they were snakes and real snitches.
The snake finally bit Keitta as he surprisingly got to know that he was swapped for next Sunday eviction.  To make matters worse for him, the Ghanaian representative was annoyed with Junia and Maneta‘s attempts to seduce him into the Jacuzzi on Monday afternoon.
Keitta now finds himself in a serious  challenge as he’s confused which  click to trust in upville. On the other hand the Ladies having Known of his relationship with girlfriend Mildred, are setting him a time boom that may explode anytime.
It’s said watch out when dealing with people, because those who talk with you might turn out to be snakes and bit you. Its not long enough since some of Keitta’s  fans predicted that he might be used and warned him to watch out his moves that some of their predictions have started to show up now


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