News: The Prezzo- Barbz Battle Again?

These two (Prezzo and Barbz) have managed to stay out of each other’s way successfully over the past couple of weeks but it looks like it is no more.
After a number of altercations, Prezzo and Barbz insisted they had finally left the past and took steps towards reconciliation. It is evident that they have tried hard to get up as friends.
If we are to go by Prezzo’s words he told Goldie in the
morning, then we should be expecting a heavy storm approaching Upville between Prezzo and Barbz. As Goldie was preparing Prezzo’s breakfast in the morning, Prezzo told her that Barbz is stepping on his toes. “I’ve been trying hard to ignore her, but she is stepping on my toes. Remember what I told you about the two-faced thing? She must watch herself,” Prezzo added.
At this time, a perplexed Goldie tried to understand where Prezzo’s feelings were coming from all of a sudden Goldie asked him “I thought you guys had sorted your issues out,” but Prezzo did not seem too concerned with it and instead left her with one parting shot. “It would be best if she’d leave me alone right now.”…..that’s what Prezzo said.
What do you think could be the consequences of this reaction from Prezzo to Barbz and the whole House?
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