Diary Room: Maneta Breaks Down

Zimbabwean Upville housemate Maneta broke down during her Diary Room Session in the afternoon after revealing to Big Brother that she feels lonely in the house and that she misses lots of people.
Initially, she seemed enthusiastic about her Diary Session but later could not contain her emotions as she shed tears.
She revealed to Biggie that today she woke up on the wrong side and that lately she has been treated harshly by other housemates and thus began feeling lonely.
It is no longer news that her relationship with fellow Zimbabwean Roki is not good as she even went as far as expressing her dissatisfaction with Roki’s behaviour to
whoever cared to listen. It all started when Roki nominated her and therefore called him a disgrace to her country because he had nominated her yet they hail from the same country.
She uncontrollably shed tears and Biggie tried comforting her by reminding her that she came this far and that he was certain that she is a strong person.
Biggie told her that all housemates are equal and so she shouldn’t feel insecure in the house.
Biggie also reminded her of Zainab her good friend, Teclar [Princess of Zamunda] her sister and her family, he told her that all these are certainly behind her and would want her to go very far in the game. Biggie asked her to keep her eyes on the grand prize and also reminded her that she’s strong and could make it.
Do you think her tears are justified?


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