News: The Goldezzo Love Affair On Cloud Nine

The Kenyan rapper could have finally hit the jackpot and nailed it at last basing on Goldie’s romantic actions towards him lately.
Prezzo has for some good time now been eating meals prepared by Goldie, he has also enjoyed some intimate moments with the singer, however, being fed by Goldie could have been the last thing on his mind.
Goldie surprised him when she prepared a snack for him, took it upstairs to his bed and fed him. The other Upville men were just amused at the way the two lovers were giggling and gazing at each other or to be precise,
they perhaps wished for the same treatment to befall them at least while still in the Big Brother house. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for Roki and Keitta though.
Prezzo must be having a blast in the Big Brother house because of the royal treatment he is subjected to courtesy of Goldie.
With all the Task presentation tensions, other Upville housemates were trying to catch some as for Goldie, she had a better idea, to prepare something for her beau and later feed him.
At the moment, the Goldezzos must be promising each other heaven on earth if at all this is possible anyway, but well, a hopeful soul is better than a soul without any dreams.
Viewers must be wondering whether the two love birds’ ‘StarGame love affair’ will be able to stand the taste of time.
Only time will tell!
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