News: Could Keagan Be A Threat To Prezzo?

The truth is about to be revealed whetherPrezzo fears any one or he is a  real ” Badman”!
In his dairy session today when asked by Biggie who could be his biggest concern in the House, Prezzo mentioned Keagan!
The rapper revealed to Biggie that according  to the way Keitta described the South African Downviller(By then), any normal human being could get scared of him. Keitta described Keagan to his fellow Housemates as a deadly guy who entertains no nonsense and short tempered.
Prezzo revealed that when he looked at Keagan entering Upville yesterday, he was a bit scared because he was  just thinking of a man whom Keitta had told them of  before.

However he told Biggie that according to how he saw the South African,it looks like he is not what Keitta took him to be because he(Prezzo) looked into his eyes and could read whothe true Keagan is.
He therefore assured his fans especially the Kenyan  boys out there that he will not be afraid of Keagan. He’ll have to play the game his way and win the Grand prize.
We all believe in the words Keitta used to describe Keagan but Prezzo saw a different image from him. Could it be that Prezzo lied or its the NEW Keagan in Upville?
What will Prezzo do if he finds out that Keagan is not a good person to mess up with?…..will he become his big threat in the game?………….Lets just keep watching to get our questions  answered


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