Maneta still hiding in South Africa

Mystery surrounds the whereabouts of former Big Brother Africa contestant Maneta Mazanhi who is still hiding in South Africa, according to witnesses.
Three immigration officials told this reporter Saturday that from their records they had substance to believe the named person was still on South African soil as at Saturday 23rd June 2012.
Her BBA colleague, (Roki) Rockford Josphat landed in Zimbabwe Thursday night and was mobbed by fans who bayed for Maneta, hoping she was on the same flight with him.
Many Zimbabwean fans have blamed Maneta for the fight which broke out between the two on live television leading to their ouster from the show. They claimed that Maneta was to blame for the disgraceful brawl.

But according to the BBA show it was Roki who actually provoked began the disgraceful violent behaviour by pouring water on Maneta.
In disqualifying the two Zimbo contestants, the BBA stated: “Maneta and Roki – you have both contravened the Provocation rule – repeatedly. Roki you intentionally provoked Maneta by pouring water over her head. Maneta, you then threw cleaning fluid in Roki’s face.
“Maneta, you also threatened to stab Roki. This after you had both thrown fluids over each other earlier in the day. Big Brother asked you both to show restraint – and neither of you did. As you are both no doubt aware, you have left Big Brother with absolutely no choice.
“In terms of the House Rules you have both been disqualified from the game.”
One forum commenter named, Stan, on Saturday weighed in laying blame on Roki as the instigator:
“Rocki drank Maneta’s wine, refused to refill the glass when she demanded he did. Instead, he told her to go and fetch another drink for herself, further insulted her intelligence by saying a bird drank the wine. Angered, she insulted him in shona, he poured water on her, she retaliated and poured milk and Keita’s wine. BB intervened, by calling Maneta into the DR. After her session, Rocki still made to pour wine on her head, Keita tried to stop him, before BB called him into the DR. While he was in the DR, Maneta went upstairs to chill… Rocki came out of the DR, went straight upstairs to Maneta’s bedside with a bottle of water. She watched him through the mirror as he poured water from her head down… Enraged Maneta went down, fetched the cleaning fluid and poured it in Rocki’s face…. SO, WHO PUSHED WHO? Rocki intended to provoke Maneta. He revealed that to Prezzo. Rocki is the meanest, most manipulative, cowardly, insecure, vindictive and back-stabbing housemate in the history of BBA. Serves him right.“


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