The Kietta-Zainab Dream Shuttered!

The much anticipated drama from Zainab and Keitta is no more after the Sierra Leonean together with Ghanaian DKB were booted out of the StarGame yesterday after their brawl.
Many viewers were so enthusiastic and optimistic that the pair was going to deliver as they had already had a share of the pair’s drama when they were still ‘Down the hill.’
Basing on the fact that Keitta’s girlfriend Mildred did not make it to Upville yet Zainab was already there, viewers had speculated that indeed this once a dream turned reality was indeed worth living.

However, Keitta and Zainab hardly stayed together for atleast 48 hours as Keitta came in on Sunday and she left the following day.
Though the news about their sudden exit may be unbearable for some Big Brother Africa fans, it is probably a blessing in disguise for Mildred ‘Eazzy’ because she can now be rest assured that his boyfriend may be ‘safe’ in the house after Zainab’s exit. However, Keitta is just getting to know more about his new ‘family’ and only time will tell and hence reveal his real character as a sole player and not a pair.
Zainab’s departure has affected Upville ladies Barbz and Maneta as the two cried yesterday after learning that Zainab was also disqualified. This is surely a huge blow to Maneta who seems to be having ill luck in the house as she continues to be separated from all people she gets close to like the recent separation from Mampi.
However from the looks of it, many fans on social networks are either blaming DKB for disgracing his country and arguing that he should not have slapped Zainab under any circumstances or in justification of his actions while others have suggested that Zainab went too far with her actions and should never have provoked the already raging DKB. Other die-hard Zainab loyals went ahead to argue that she should never have been slapped and that DKB should have shown some respect for womanhood.
Well, what’s done is already done and the least DKB and Zainab can do is to swallow their pride and apologize to their countries as well as Big Brother Africa fans.
Whatever that happened was perhaps bound to happen and it’s only the weak soul that contrite about their wrong doings, the best thing to do is to try and patch things up and make sure that such nasty occurrences do not happen again.
Over to you, do you think Zainab’s exit is going to affect the game?


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