Seven Housemates Exit In Five Days!

This season was so different from the previous ones as the Housemates were entering in pairs as a team. A big problem we have observed from this change ha been that Most partners might have entered unprepared which brought lack of cooperation among them.
Apart from the Nigerian pair (Ola and Chris) who had a voluntary exit because of the sickness, the Angolan pair had no clear reasonnn for their voluntary exit apart from saying that they were not playing as a team whihch forced one partner to ask for the exit. Because they were not ready and cooperative they did not even agree on whether they should leave but it was a one person decision.
Even though the other partner didn’t want, Big Brother rules for this season’s game were clearing stpulating that “If you enter as a pair, you leave as a pair unless one of you is evicted or saved.” This explains why Seydou too had to eave the game though it was Esperanca‘s decision.
You will also agree with me if I say that BBA7 has alot of Big Headed who are breaking the rules running the game every ow and then.It has been frequently seen when the Housemates are given several punishments for breaking the rule s of the game.
Yesterday’s disqualification was a right decision to both the Housemates and the world at large who are watching this show. Big Brother rules condemn violence of any kind in any way and that any Housemates who gets involved in it has to be punished accordingly.
It looked a bit difficult to decide who was going to be disqualified but according to the rules both Housemates (DKB and Zainab) had to be disqualified from the game for being violent to one onother.Violence is not only physical bu its also psychological and that’s what confused many people thinking that Zainab was not violent.
We all know that yesterday was the nomination day for Upville. Fortunately or unfortunatelly, the firs two Housemates who were nominated up for eviction were the ones disqualified. It was a hard moment for the Upvillers thought had not yet known those who were up for Eviction but Biggie saved them and nullified the nomination show thus this wek’s eviction show cancelled too.
Following all the exits in the past five days, Seven Housemates have left the game which was unexpected.This meas that the game arrangements will be affected in one way. Firstly , the days for which it was supposed to go for MAY reduce or else other amendments will be made sooner or later.
Another effect these exits are generating, they are setting foundations for other Housemates to win so easily because you never know that among those who left and disqualified its where the winner could come from.
The list of Disqualified Housemates is now growing as it started with Uganda’s Hannington , followed by Tanzania’s Lotus and now DKB and Zainab.
The season which started off with 35 Hosemates in both Houses, its now having 20 with only 6 Housemates remaining in Upville.
What do you think of these exits? Are they of an advantage to your favorite Housemates or it’s going to be hard for them to live without the others?
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