Goldie Promises Not To Cry Today

Today morning after the morning exercise Goldie and Prezzo sat in the kitchen where they discussed Goldie’s moods in the past week and how she is going to turn out this week and particularly today. Prezzo was there to calm down his lady where she was feeling emotional and give her necessary advice paired with inspiring sweet words.
He told her “ as long as I am here you can feel safe and secure”. The Kenyan also tried to tell Goldie
how much he trusts her and he believes that she can be strong nomatter what.
All those words looked to have not changed Goldie’s attitudes not until Prezzo as a person who understands her the most mentioned her father’s birthday.” Think about your father’s birthday which is on friday.” Prezzo told Goldie.Here the Nigerian lass looked a bit moody as Prezzo wanted her and she put on a simple smile.
Goldie for the past few days has been blaming herself for having betrayed her friend Barbz whom she watched leaving yesterday. The Nigerian was saying that Barbz’s eviction from the House was her contribution as she failed to save her as the Head of House and she instead saved her man Prezzo.
Goldie has been facing hardships in dealing with her emotions as she was yesterday heard asking for a voluntary exit which forced Biggie to call her for a private session. Coming back from the Diary room, she had a one on one talk with her man who played a big role in comforting her by giving her insipring words that made her pass through the day.
It looks like we’ll see no more teary Goldie because she was heard today talking to herself that she’ll not cry today.”I will not cry today, I refuse it.” she confirmed.
Will Goldie keep herb word?…….Does this mean that she has got to understand the game and will play it without emotions?
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