Nomination results (Week 12)

Today being a Monday,housemates underwent a nomination session.Each housemate was meant to nominate two fellow housemates to be put up for possible eviction.Most housemates didn’t find it easy giving reasons for nominating each other.Hanni,Luclay and Karen all couldn’t come up with whom to nominate and thus decided not to nominate anyone.This meant that they’re automatically up for possible eviction.Below are the results of today’s nominations.
Karen got 3 votes.
Kim got 3 votes.
Vimbai got 2 votes.
Luclay got 2 votes.
Millicent got 2 votes.
Wendall got 2 votes.
Vina got 1 vote.
Hanni got 1 vote.
Lomwe got 0 votes.
Sharon O got 0 votes.


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