Catch Up: So Near Yet So Far!

So Karen’s best mates Zeus, Bernadina and Mumba all left together at the end of Week 11, leaving Karen dejected.

With Vina saved from that Eviction, it made her the first confirmed Amplified finalist as Week 12′s Head of House.

Monday started on a high note with the Housemates singing Happy Birthday to Nelson Mandela. Then when it was time for Nominations, Karen, Luclay and Hanni decided to snub them and they were all automatically put up for possible Eviction today.

This gave Vina a tough time as it was just her, Sharon O and Lomwe that were not nominated. However, she reluctantly decided that Lomwe was the best Housemate to replace her Housemate Karen from the chopping block.

This meant that Karen and Sharon would join Vina in the final week by default.
During the Chat Room sessions, Millicent vowed to seduce Luclay until he gives in to her just so he gets out of his shell. True to her word, the Kenyan babe did just that and before she could say; “Jack Robinson” she had Luclay eating from her palm; receiving random massages and stares.

For the Week’s Task, the Housemates had to manage Amplified Radio and Amplified TV and they really enjoyed themselves as they took turns on the microphone airing their fun programmes.

It was during this Task that the Housemates were able to read messages from Big Brother Amplified Twitter followers live on their station. When it was time for the Task Presentation on Thursday, the Housemates outdid themselves as they displayed highlights from both Amplified Radio and Amplified TV and they won their 100 percent Wager.

On Friday, they were given their final Head of House Task and Lomwe became the last Head of House in the Big Brother Amplified season, when he managed to navigate through the maze in 28 seconds.

This basically meant that Hanni, Sharon O, Kim, Wendall and Luclay had failed to get this accolade throughout the season of the show…ouch!

Well, as part of Lomwe’s victory, he won the chance to go chill in the Glass House and he chose to share that moment with Sharon O whom he said had expressed her desire to win the HoH Task the most.

It seemed as if Karen was on a fighting spree on Friday night as she took on Kim then Millicent and later Vina.

Her beef with Vina was over the Karaoke system they found in the House after their Arena Games of Crate Tetris.

Karen had been singing when she realised that someone had stashed the remote control yet she wanted to move on to the next song. She didn’t take kindly to that and threatened to break the equipment much to Vina’s defence.

However, it all quickly subsided and at the end of the day, they were all enjoying the Karaoke save for Vimbai and Hanni who said the fight had put them off.
Yes, Hanni who is always singing sat out on this one – wow!

The highlight of their week must have been on Saturday when they all received messages from home apart from Luclay who had a fuse from Bernadina refusing him this privilege.

Obviously, Luclay was sad about this reality and was due for an early night until it was time for the “Last Day on Earth” party with Nigeria’s Rhythm FM’s DJ Humility and DJ Groove Candi.
It sure was a hectic week in terms of emotions as the Housemates couldn’t help thinking about who will be making the final walk of shame tonight.


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