News: The Miss P & Alex Game!

Alex confessed to Weza that he really likes her but after what Miss P had told them earlier, she found it difficult to believe him.

During the wee hours of Sunday morning, Miss P told Weza and Millicent that she and Alex had planned to play the Housemates.

She told them that she was never attracted to Alex in the first place.

However, things changed when Alex told Miss P that he actually does like Weza but in a different way from the way he likes her (Miss P).Meanwhile, the two made a decision to act as though they are mad at each other.

It seems like the girls can see through Miss P’s scheming and most of them insist that they can’t trust her.

So, whether Miss P and Alex are still an item or not and whether Alex really likes Weza remains a mystery. It is Big Brother Amplified after all and the Housemates have taken the game to another level.


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