Feature: Why Save Your Countrymate?

The battle between Karen and Vina is better left alone. The two girls might just go back home and sort out their differences – who knows?

However, their altercation this morning, which led to the two exchanging nasty words, became the highlight of the day and of their final Chat Room sessions.

Wendall made it clear in his Chat Room session that the two didn’t get along at all; they just tolerated each other only because they are from the same country.
Vina couldn’t deny the fact that she had tried her level best to make things work between her and Karen but there was just no relationship and there wouldn’t be any even outside the House.

Could this be a case of nerves filtering in, now that the girls have perhaps realised that being friends doesn’t do anything for their votes. Could they have just realised that having each other in the House could jeopardise their chances of having full support from Nigeria?

Well, maybe saving each other from possible Eviction was the right thing to do at the time but, now they have to battle it out for their country’s votes.
This is Big Brother Amplified and at the end of the day, it’s every man for himself.

Remember how Vimbai had Wendall’s back and saved him from possible Eviction but then, she was first to say goodbye.
Maybe Wendall didn’t need to be saved but it was the right thing to do at the time. Lomwe also saved his fellow countrymate Felicia when she was up and the next time she showed her head, was the last we saw her in the House.

Could it be wise to keep saving each other in a game like this? The flipside though is that Africa does expect the Housemates to save their countrymates and perhaps if they hadn’t, they would have landed themselves in Africa’s bad books.

Is it better to play as an individual or to have your countrymate’s back as well?


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