Live Show: Miss P, Alex & Weza Booted!

Not one, not two but three Housemates were evicted tonight – the ‘love’ triangle of Miss P, Alex and Weza is no more and emotions were sky high in the House.

Miss P was the first Housemate to be booted out of Biggie’s House and she earned herself a kiss from her ‘partner in crime’ Alex. She said being nominated by Luclay was rather hurting a bit but the rest she kind of expected
Next was Miss P’s beau and ‘partner in crime’ Alex.

Then IK was back with the message that Angolan hottie Weza’s time was up. Weza was now up against Karen and it looked like she could tell that she was leaving as she whispered “you’re safe” when IK called Karen’s name.

The girls couldn’t believe that the diva of the House would soon be stepping out for good and they couldn’t help their tears as they watched her make her way to the Eviction doors.

Was Weza jinxed by her connection to Miss P and Alex or did Africa just treat her as an individual?


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