Ernest thumped over booze,pork bills

BBA Flop Ernest Wasake almost lost his dear life when he failed to clear pork and booze bills last Saturday. This was at Bamboo Nest, Bugolobi. A snoop has informed 3am desk that Ernest who was in the company of a pal stormed Bamboo Nest as early as 8:00pm and the two started downing pints one after another.

This booze was of course accompanied by a staggering 17 skewers of tasty pork ribs. Time check was clocking towards 4:20am (Sunday morning) and Ernest with his pal decided to go back home to rest.

The only problem was that they didn’t have a single coin in their pockets. Not surprisingly, they tried to sneak out but were nabbed pants by security. Efforts to have them pay their bill of a staggering Shs 200k became fruitless.

The mangement then resorted to raining slaps and kicks on them . Apparently, they were later saved by a firend who bailed them out. Surely, does bad luck follow almost all our BBA representatives or they are plain wasted lads?


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