Feature: It is Day 91!

The day that Africa has been waiting for has finally arrived. It is Day 91 and this marks the day that the best Housemates will walk away with the mega prize of US$200 000 each.

After 91 days in the Big Brother Amplified house, many have fallen by the way side and only seven remain standing in line to win the most coveted prize.

From Twitter to Facebook to the website and the TV strap, Amplified viewers’ voices have been heard from all corners of Africa.

From Angola to Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Tanzania and Mozambique; millions of Africans have been interacting with Big Brother Amplified and tonight those voices will come alive as their best shall be the last to walk out of the House.

Only a few hours left for you to finalise your decision, let your fingers do the talking.


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