Seven Heads On Chopping Block

seveEvery evening of any Monday is the save and replace decision made by the HOH prior to the nominations held earlier in the morning.
Revealing the names of the  nominees this evening, Big Brother told Ruby Housemates that Bolt, Natasha and Sulu were nominated for possible eviction.
As always the HOH can save any Housemate and replace that Housemate with another one. Based in the Diary Room, Feza decided to save Sulu and replaced him with Pokello. This implies that the final nominees from the Ruby House are , Bolt, Natasha and Pokello. This decision is to be revealed to the Housemate on  Sunday before  the eviction show.
A while later, the heart boxing announcement was taken to the Diamond House with Annabel, Dillish, Hakeem and Nando being the nominees. Nando as the HOH had to  go into the Diary Room for the save and replace decision.
Himself being on the block, there was no surprise that Nando had to save his head and Namibia’s Maria was his choice to act as a replacement.
This puts seven Housemates, Annabel, Bolt, Dillish, Hakee,Maria , Natasha and Pokello on the final list of this week’s nominees .
It’s time to get  the voting done to keep your favorite Housemates in the chase.


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