Selly Survives Disqualification, Fans React

HOH Selly survived a disqualification yesterday
HOH Selly survived a disqualification yesterday
If there’s any lucky housemate in the Chase house then it’s  most probably Selly. The HOH and Ghanaian rep was lucky enough to get away with what she did to Pokello on Saturday. For those who have no idea about what transpired on Saturday  and yesterday, here’s briefly what went down.

On Saturday during the party, Selly poured a glass of alcohol over Pokello’s head making her wet but thank God she’s didn’t retaliate and yesterday, Biggie reprimanded the HOH and gave her a warning, she now has to keep on her toes and watch her moves as any other blunders may land her into trouble with Biggie.
After yesterday’s revelations in the main lounge, the show’s Fans on social networks praised Biggie for what they thought was a wise decision not to kick her out of the show while others were of the view that she deserved the immature boot.


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