Feza & Fatima Gossip About Diamond House
After the long activity filled
evening, the rubies could still not find sleep to send them off to
dreamland. Stuck in their bedroom with their eyes wide open, the
housemates kicked off a conversation and randomly, the three former
Diamond housemates, Elikem, Fatima and Feza zeroed on discussing about their former residence.
The girls were the ones that had much to say about their former
house. They kicked off by talking about the entire set up of the house
of how the housemates are divided into two groups; the boys and the
girls. They talked about the girls in the house and there different
The yapping went on from discussing the housemates in the house to the state of the house its self and how organised it is. They talked about the huge difference between the ruby house and the diamond house saying that the diamond house is a total mess and when it comes to the ruby house it is quite different. They said that the house is quite official and organized and that is the same way the people in the house are. They also had time to talk about the structure of the house and the room talking of how different the houses are because in their former house there are no corners, neither are there rooms but just a single bed room where everyone does put up.
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