Bolt Supports Women Who Work

As the pair Bolt and Bimp remained seated outside enjoying their cigarettes, they were later joined by fellow housemate Fatima, it was at this time that conversation which at first was between the smoking boys turned in a family issue conversation.
These three ‘Bolt, Bimp and Fatima’ discussed about the importance of a man accepting his wife to work, that was then Bolt had a small story to tell his fellow housemates. He told them that both his parents were working, but time reached when his mother stopped working and it was only their father to support the family.
In 2005 when his father passed away, they faced a lot of financial problems till when their mother got another job so that she could support the family, and in conclusion he was in support of working women. We thought that Bolt only had skills on the dining table but this came as a surprise.
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