Natasha Still Ranting About Her Nomination

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After four hours past the declaration of the people nominated for possible eviction, still it has not sunk inside her that she is up for eviction the third consecutive time, Natasha.
After shading tears and getting to talk through it with fellow Housemates Fatima and Oneal, she walked out of the house house and we thought that she had gotten over it but hell no.
Natasha still can not believe that she is up for possible eviction and she is trying to find out the reason(s) as to why her fellow housemates really like to have her out of the game. On going out she had a word with Fatima with who she told if the housemates think her being organized is her strategy then they are hating for nothing because that’s her life style. From here she headed to the Jacuzzi to confront Pokello and Elikem and ask them why.
On entry into the house  in her room to be exact, she had a long conversation with Cleo. In this conversation Cleo had nothing to say apart to listen to the Natasha as she went on explaining her situation ” The times I have been nominated have helped me understand the game”, she said. “But just yesterday I was standing up, but do I have to do it every week.” In addition, she went ahead to tell her what she has learnt in the game so far “It is not about what your doing wrong, but its about what you do right that positions you as a threat, as competition.”


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