after Big Brother made an announcement while the Ruby housemates were
in the living room, “Housemates start the task right now”, he said. They
all rushed to the garden and before all of them had lined up on the
starting line, the bazzer was sounded, they all ran quickly to the pool
to look for the red plastic ball and within no minute, it was the young
Sierra Leone who had it in his hands.
then rose his hand up in the air with the red ball as he also shouted
in expression of the joy and happiness of winning the head of house

Just after a few minutes, Big Brother announced that the Ruby head of
house for the next week is Bassey. This means that the actor will begin
his duties on Monday and this automatically guarantees him more two
weeks in the Big Brother house.
Congratulations to our very own Bassey for winning the Ruby Head of
House task for this week and we wish you a stable and happy week as you
execute your duties next week.
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