Feza:”I Feel Lonely In The House”

She went ahead to tell Big Brother that she has no one to talk to at the moment and that she misses her friends back home,she also added that she feels that there is no one in the house ans that at the moment she can not trust any one in the Big Brother house.

Her reasons for speaking all this are not clearly known but possibly she might have spoken all this basing on her point of view and the way she sees things in the Big Brother house at the moment.
Can it be because she likes Melvin and she cannot approach him to tell him her feelings for him or that she is feeling lonely because Ghanaian Elikem left the Diamond house and moved to the Ruby house after he was swapped by Ruby head of house Selly.
Hopefully she manage to overcome all these feelings she has right now and just concentrate on her game because she came to chase the money and not to feel comfortable at home.
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