Pokello: A Thin Line Between Love And Hate

Could it be that the make up beauty queen’s sudden interest in love in that she even went ahead to do a painting about it “love” mean anything about her and the Ghanaian dude who is also a former Diamond housemate or have anything to do with all of the time she has been spending with him “Elikem“?

Although the Pokello and Elikem recently have recently denied that there is anything going on between them, they have been looking quite close to each other since the day that the Ghanaian moved into the Ruby House and they even reached an extent of sharing a bed at night.
Yet as for Elikem he appears to be quite anxious whenever it is his turn to go to the Diary room because he knows that Big Brother must ask him a question concerning him and Pokello, from now on shall surely keep an open eye on these two housemates who seem to like each other but they are rather pretending.
Annabel, Biguesas, Natasha, Neyll and Pokello are up for possible eviction this week, please vote inorder to keep your favourite housemate in the game.
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