Reality Kicks In: We could see a Replica of the Angola Exit.

Both housemates from either country were put up for eviction this week; we are talking Namibia’s Dillish and Maria as well as Zimbabwe’s Hakeem and Pokello. If you asked I would say both countries have been well represented. Biggie went to Windhoek and picked two gorgeous lasses in Maria and Dillish(who are best friends outside the house) and no doubt they have represented very well.
Maria is this bubbly little thing with an amazing personality,always laughing and reminds me so much of Jessica Shikeva of the Stargame fame when she talks. I like Maria a lot. Dillish was my first crush when the show had started though I gradually got over her (yeah, I know, I get bored easily).

Anyway to business, Dillish is a great beauty kinda conserved a bit and very choosy with her friends unlike Maria who goes everywhere. Dillish is very beautiful though I think she is way too guarded. She has not let enough housemates in yet about her which might play against her. However, I am sure Dillish will get the Namibian vote and not Maria. Reason; word on the streets of Windhoek does not like her that much. Apparently she disses everybody on her radio show.
Looking at the Zimbabwe couple on the show in Pokello and Hakeem, we have one heck of a team. Pokello is the ‘I don’t give a flying eff’ kinda chic considering she is super well off and daughter to a Zimbo minister. Listen,being a Zimbo minister, u gotta be something intricate so trust me dime aint a thing to Pokello.
I understand why she is on the show. Its not for the money but to get her fashion line spread across Africa. Good choice girl! The money would be a plus though! I think she is a good chaser though I believe Hakeem would be a better chaser only if he stopped dissing girls. This show is mostly watched by girls so may be he should consider toning the dissing down or else he is gonna chase away his girl fans. As a guy I believe in treating women right, not making them feel less of beautiful! So I have to say the Zimbabwe vote could go to any of these two. Its just a matter of days.
However,on the down side of things, each of these countries might just lose both players that’s is if that particular country picks the wrong housemate. So guys keep voting if you don’t wanna see your best housemate leave.
This week Natasha,Pokello,Bolt,Maria,Dillish,Annabel and Hakeem are up for eviction.
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