Who Is Going Home Richer Tonight?

Out of the thirty six Housemates who started the battle struggling for the US$300,000, we are now left with only six finalists to accomplish the mission and the question is; Who is going to walk away richer tonight?
For exactly 91 days Keagan, Kyle, Lady May, Prezzo, Talia and Wati have passed the grueling test of not only entertaining Africa but staying relevant as well. They have survived the testing times of evictions which saw their fellows booted out of the House.
At the moment, there are two things certain to us;
1.One of the six Finalists’ account will have more zeros (000) as he/she will walk away US$300 000 richer tonight.
2. You(Voters) have already cast your Vote deciding who deserves to win the Grand Prize and nothing can change right now as voting has officially closed.
Basing on that, we are just waiting to see that lucky Housemate that looked prettier than others in the eyes of Africa to be given the 300,000 US dollars……………Who will that be?
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