Prezzo’s Interview At The Party.

Hello Prezzo, How Do You Feel Now?
I feel very blessed you know, to make it to number two its not that easy so I feel blessed .Praise to the man above.
What Is Next In The Prezzident’s Life?
Well A ma do what I do best …endless hustle.I have a very litle baby girl who needs to eat, who needs to go to school, so you know life goes on for me, I keep hustling and before you know it that I might make that money that I was supposed to win.
How Do You Feel About Being Up Against Keagan And He wins?
You know its a game and the best man won, I can not hate on that and I salute him for that and you know something else is gonna give on my side. I just feel blessed to be like number two…do you know what I mean ..its better than anything else so I wish him all the best as well.


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