I Only Indulged In Alcohol To Relieve Me From The Stress Of Big Brother – Wati

Wati also said he wasn’t too disappointed when he was
the first to be evicted during Sunday’s finale show. “I tried, in the last few days to the finale, not to psyche myself up for winning. I rather set myself up to believe I wouldn’t win so that if I won, it would come as a surprise to me. I was happy that Keagan, who is my homie won.”
Asked whether he hopes Keagan would go through the agreement that was made by housemates, that whoever won the prize money would share it amongst the friends, Wati replied: “What Keagan does with the money is up to him but if he decides to share the money, that’s well and good. We just joked about sharing the money but it wasn’t anything serious, there wasn’t anything contractual.”
On his future, he said: “I know I am going to go through a lot of interviews when I get back, for the next two weeks. But I will have to sit down and plan oh how I am going to handle the rest of my life.”
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