StarGame Countdown: It’s D-Day!

Hmmm… It’s the Final day of the StarGame. It’s been three months, 12 weeks and 91 long days. They say ‘patience pains but pays’, this saying is justified because amid all the anxiety and desire to reach day 91, it’s finally here.
Today, one of the six Finalists will be walking home with the $300.000 cash prize. All of them have their plans already laid down as regards what they would do with the money in case they won it. By now you should have already done your choice and voted in favour of your favourite housemate.

With two Upvillers and four ex-Downvillers, the Finale is expected to be a very tight contest because all them are very strong contenders and thus the competition is bound to be stiff tonight. All the same, whoever wins the money will have deserved it just like the rest.
Meanwhile, the Grand Finale stage will be graced by over five live performances from some of Africa’s best artistes.
Who walks away with the 300 grands tonight?


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