Will Nigerians save Keitta

With Keitta’s head on the chopping block this Sunday, most followers of the Big Brother Stargame are asking whether Ghana’s West African neighbor, Nigeria would vote to save Keitta after he nominated Nigeria’s Goldie in the week that led to Goldie’s eviction.
Goldie appeared heartbroken when she found out that the ‘brother’ she cooked for and did his hair, had nominated her for eviction. Many believe that Keitta nominated Goldie because when she once had the opportunity to save and replace as Head of House, Goldie decided to save her
‘boyfriend’ Prezzo and sacrificed Keitta for eviction. Goldie surprisingly showed no remorse for putting Keitta up but rather apologized to Barbz for choosing to save Prezzo over Barbz.
When Goldie came up for eviction the first time, Ghana voted to save her but chose to save Uganda’s Kyle instead last weekend. Hence Goldie got two country votes from Nigeria and ‘Rest of Africa’ which gave her the least country votes last weekend. So will Ghana’s ‘big brother’, Nigeria pay Keitta back in kind or choose to save him this weekend? Has Sierra Leone gotten over the DKB and Zainab incident to support their West African brother? How about Liberia?


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