Life After Keitta & Alex

Following the eviction of their fellow StarGamers; Keitta and Alex, the remaining housemates woke up to start life after the former StarGame boys with an exercise session.
Housemates including Talia, Kyle, Wati, Keagan and Lady May took part in the exercise session which centred around stretching the muscles.
At first, the instructor had a hard time getting some housemates to take part in the workout as they preferred to stay in slumber. Jannette and Prezzo didn’t take part. The little princess could have had a long night after seeing her close friend getting evicted yesterday. As for Prezzo, surviving the chop block three times in a row could have meant having a long rest as the Masai warrior slept till late this morning.
Meanwhile, there are only seven remaining housemates in the StarGame and thus the competition is getting stiff. Housemates have already speculated that in the next nominations, at least each one of them will get a vote.
Well, we wait and see how the dynamics will change as regards the nominations but one thing is clear, some housemates may nominate those they are closest to in the house for lack of enough options.


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