News: “Operation Turn Down Upvillers” On Course

As said earlier by Prezzo that the former Downvillers are on a mission to eliminate all the Original Upvillers they found in the House, it has been confirmed today during the nominations .
Last week among the four Housemates put up for possible eviction, three were the original Upvillers, Prezzo, Goldie and Lady May and we saw Goldie leaving the House yesterday.
This morning as the nominations were held,the two remaining Upvillers have been put up for this coming possiblre eviction. Prezzo and Lady May have led the nominations with six and five votes respectiveely.

Ever since there was a massive upgrading to Upville which collected all the former Downvillers together in the same House(Upville), the Original Upvillers have been facing the chopping block every week.
This really confirms that the mission stated earlier by Prezzo that the Downvillers are working on OTDU (Operation Turn Down Upvillers) is on its course. Prezzo said that the Downvillers want to dominate the House by turning down all the original Upville Housemates.
He therefore swore to do the same and fight back by nominating only the Downvillers and he has confirmed  this today as he nominated Keagan and Talia.
Putting both Prezzo and Lady May up for possible eviction is a clear indication that the Downvillers ate determined to eliminate the Upvillers and dominate the House.
Yesterday during Keagan’s Nomination Diary Session when askled about his speculations about whom he thought was to be evicted, he said that he would be happy to see Prezzo and Lady May leaving. Unfortunately, his wishes were not answered as both her favourites are still with him though still not safe as they have been re-nominated today.
Will the Downvillers be successful with their Mission?


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