Breaking News: Kyle Becomes New Head Of House!

While still in their beds after this morning exercises, Biggie had to announce to the Housemates their new Head of House.
” Good morning Housemates, Since you know that Goldie had won the Head of House task but she’s now evicted,your new Head of House is…..Kyle. Since Kyle was the last man standing next to Goldie, He
becomes your new Head Of House…..Congratulations Kyle , You are now the new Head of House.” Biggie talked to the Housemates through his loud speakers.
It was a great news entry for the sleepy Kyle who couldn’t believe that he’s to rule in the celebrity House. It should be remembered that two days before the massive upgrading that brought Kyle, Jannette, Alex and Malonza to Upville, Kyle had won the Head of House task but he never got the chance to enjoy the chair.
Its good that luck has visited him again and he is to do all what he was supposed to do some two weeks back in Downville. Will this make him stronger than he has been?
Congratulations Kyle………………Africa is still behind you, its time you enjoyed the Head of House sweet chair from where you can save yourself and swap others for evictions.
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