Is Lady May the next Munya?

Housemates want Lady May out, because they find her annoying and anti-social, yet Africa saved her on both occasions in preference to every other housemate she has been up against. Will this turn out to be another Munya case?
Remember Zimbabwe’s Munya from the Big Brother Africa All Stars? He was on the chopping board every week, b u t nevertheless Africa saved him every time. Looks like our petite singer has taken up the role of Munya, but it seems the housemates will not rest until she takes her pink heels out of that house.
The first time Lady May ended up on the possible eviction list was merely because DKB saved himself and chose her to be evicted instead. Most housemates had no qualms with her then.

Last week she once again made it onto the possible eviction list by receiving the highest number of nominations. Five housemates wanted her out! But yet again Africa saved our lady in pink heels, who received 5.5 country votes, ahead of Nigeria’s emotional Goldie who obtained 3.5 votes. Prezzo the love-master from Kenya came in third with 2 country votes.
This week the housemates yet again took to the nomination diary session with one name in mind: Lady May! With the exception of the lovable Zambian damsel Talia All housemates nominated Lady May.
The housemates perceive her as the weakest link. South Africa’s Keagan listed himself, Ghana’s Keita, Malawi’s drunken master Wati, Talia and even Kyle as those who will make it to the top five. But judging from Africa’s feedback on the votes, Lady May stands a pretty good chance of making it to the top five.
I foresee her attitude and mannerisms staying the same, which will continue aggravating the rest of the housemates thus making her a probable evictee every week. Namibia is behind her whole heartedly but the question is will Africa keep her in the contest till the closing stages? Will she win the money or walk away empty handed just like Munya whom they saved over and over again?
In the event that she walks out without any money, will anybody in Namibia hand her U$300 000, just like the Zimbabwean tycoon gave Munya? Well, we are allowed to dream…


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